About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). We are made Christians—from the beginning to the end of our discipleship—through the ministry that Christ ordained, namely the pure preaching of the gospel, the pure administration of the ordinances (Baptism & The Lord's Supper), and the proper use of church discipline. Through the ministry of Word and the ordinances, we make the gospel primary in all things.

Who We Are

We are Reconcile Church, a Bible believing, Christ centered church located on the Tonto Apache Reservation in Payson Arizona. Our name is derived from a key benefit received through the gospel, reconciliation. Reconciliation is a word that pertains to two parties who were at odds but who have been brought to terms of peace with one another. The apostle Paul makes it clear in his letter to the Christians in Rome that as a result of Jesus Christ’s perfect and complete justifying work, by his perfect life of obedience and sacrificial death on the cross on behalf of sinners, we can now have peace with God. In this saving act, God’s wrath is appeased, our sins are completely atoned for, and righteousness is credited to our account. We believe that this is the good news, Jesus Christ dying for sinners and being raised for our justification. The gospel is primary to Reconcile Church.

Our Pastor

Teaching Pastor and Planter of Reconcile Church is Charlie Lopez. Charlie is a member of the Tonto Apache Tribe and has lived on the reservation most of his life. After attending a church off of the reservation for several years, sitting under solid preaching, he found encouragement to attend seminary classes at Gateway Seminary where he received a Bible Teaching certificate. Though he has a desire to further pursue his theological education one day, for this season he feels called back to his home to preach the Bible to his people. Pastor Charlie is happily married to his high school sweetheart, Saundra, with whom they share 5 beautiful children, Mya, Zane, Nora, Lyla and Owen.